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How it works:

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  • Apply nightly for happy, healthy skin

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Your 2023 skincare horoscope

Your astrological outlook + skin tips for your zodiac sign.

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by Curology Team
Updated on Jun 3, 2024 • 10 min read
Curology Beauty and Skin Horoscope
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by Curology Team
Updated on Jun 3, 2024 • 10 min read
We’re here to share what we know — but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider if you have questions.

It’s (almost) 2023 ✨ When preparing for the future, many look to ancient wisdom for answers. But we know what you’re thinking… Curology was founded by dermatologists. What do they know about the stars?! 

Both religious and non-religious people read their horoscopes. It’s human nature to identify with your sun sign! And these days, New Age practices like astrology and tarot are as popular as ever. We know there’s no medical evidence that astrology actually influences your skin’s health. That said? It’s pretty fun to think about. Is the cure for acne written in the stars? Probably not! But we’re nerds, so we looked into it anyway. 

...And we might have snuck in some research-backed skin advice. No matter what you believe, a truly natural glow should feel effortless. The best skincare routine is one that’s true to you. 

Skincare tips for fire signs

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are signs known for their blazing personalities. Making heads turn is just what comes natural to you! When a fire sign learns how to share the spotlight, the whole world glows. 

In traditional Chinese medicine, the fire element is associated with sweat. Sweat itself isn’t bad for skin. But skin inflammation, sunburn, and increased oil production can happen when the heat is on. For Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius placements, you might consider these products: 

Aries Zodiac Symbol Curology


March 21-April 19

Aries: in 2023, your inner strength will radiate. This year, you’ll face challenges that make you rethink your values. Something big will happen this spring—whether it’s love or your career, it won’t just be a fling. Be open to new opportunities and remind yourself that you are ready for anything!

Quick skin tip for Aries: You can prepare for the unexpected by arming yourself with emergency spot patches, lip balm, or everyday sunscreen.

Leo Zodiac Symbol Curology


July 23-August 22

Leos are ruled by the sun. In 2023, you’ll have lots in your orbit—for better or worse. Be prepared to stand in the spotlight and use those organizational skills to collaborate with new partners. The summer will be an ideal time for you to use your charm to build a community, start a new career, or take a spur-of-the-moment trip. 

Quick skin tip for Leo: Dealing with chapped lips right before your holiday pics? Use a moisturizing lip balm to help stop the flake and burn. 

Sagittarius Zodiac Symbol Curology


November 22-December 21

Sagittarius is ruled by Chiron: half-human, half-horse, and all good aim. In 2023, you’ll have to zero in on what you really want. The new year will bring an offer you can’t refuse. You may have to choose between your love life and your career. Stay as focused as an arrow and you’ll hit the bullseye.  

Quick skin tip for Sagittarius: You may stockpile all the latest skincare serums... or you can ground your skincare routine with a minimalist approach.

Skincare tips for water signs

Water signs have an uncanny intuition. A Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio’s strength lies in their ability to feel deeply. Sometimes, heightened sensitivity can feel like a challenge. No matter what obstacles you face, self-compassion will get you through it. 

Water, the ocean, and its relationship to the moon are important in many different kinds of mysticism. Water is cool as heck, and it plays a key role in skincare. For Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, we recommend you keep it fun with face masks, double cleansing, and soothing baths.

Pisces Zodiac sign Curology


February 19-March 20

Pisces, you’re represented by twin fish. Keep this symbol of duality in mind as you swim through 2023. This will be a lucky year for you—all your hard work is about to pay off! The challenge? Owning it. Do what makes you feel confident. 

Quick skin tip for Pisces: When your body needs some extra love, nourish it with a body butter or face mask.

Cancer Zodiac Symbol Curology


June 22-July 22

Cancers are ruled by two forces: the moon and their own emotions. For you, 2023 will be a year that tests self-control. Becoming a creature of habit in your daily routine takes practice and discipline. Raise the bar and rise to meet it to reap the rewards. 

Quick skin tip for Cancer: Whatever the universe sends your way, remember that there's (almost) always a solution—especially in skincare. When in doubt, consult your friendly Curology provider for expert skin tips.

Scorpio Zodiac Symbol Curology


October 23-November 21

Scorpio: you’ve had a lot of time to think. Your strength is that you know exactly who you are. In 2023, don’t be afraid to say “no.” Worry less about what others think. Focus on what you can control and watch how everything else seems to fall into place. 

Quick skin tip for Scorpio: Bring some of that strength into your skincare routine with retinol, like tretinoin.

Skincare tips for earth signs

Earth signs are known to be solid as bedrock. A Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn thrives on stability and routine. Some may mistake you for stubborn, but you know what they don’t: consistency is key. 

Are you, perchance, prone to dry skin? For centuries, alchemists have associated the earth element with dryness. Sound oddly specific? We agree! Our best advice for earth signs: a  minimalist approach to skincare may suit your grounded personality. If you’re a Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, you may love these down-to-earth skin staples: 

Taurus Zodiac Symbol Curology


April 20-May 20

Taurus, the bull, is one of the world’s oldest astrological signs. That’s in line with your reputation for having an unchangeable nature. In 2023, circumstances will undermine traditions. This will lead to much personal growth. Not every change will feel comfortable—welcome it anyway. 

Quick skin tip for Taurus: Skincare = selfcare. When you need a moment of peace and pampering, don't forget that gua sha tool or ice roller at the back of your freezer and show yourself some TLC.

Virgo Zodiac Symbol Curology


August 23-September 22

Your words and actions always align—and in 2023, you’ll reap the benefits of your good nature. Many Virgos have a reputation of being level-headed. That said? Don’t forget to let loose a little. Now is the time to surrender to your intuition. No matter what: trust your gut. 

Quick skin tip for Virgo: Did a new active ingredient in your personalized skincare routine make you break out? It might be purging—a sign it’s actually working!  

Capricorn Zodiac Symbol Curology


December 22-January 19

Ambition is what comes naturally to you, Capricorn. Let self-control give way to practicality. In 2023, your life is all about doing what you have to do in order to reach your goals. Be realistic in your expectations and you’ll be unstoppable.  

Quick skin tip for Capricorn: when stress mounts and hormones flare, so can your acne. Help prevent hormonal acne with these tips

Skincare tips for air signs

If you’re an Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, you’re likely blessed with profound intellect—and you know how to use it. Air signs are the brainiacs of the zodiac signs. Your first impressions of others tend to be accurate, and this helps you make true friends easily. 

In Tibetan Buddhism, the air element is associated with breath and wind. We’re big fans of deep breathing exercises, but don’t count on them to clear your skin! Likewise: no need to try every skincare product all at once. Cultivate patience with a solid skincare routine and it will pay off. For Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, you might want to try these skincare staples: 

Aquarius Zodiac Symbol Curology


January 20-February 19

Aquarius, trusty water-bringer: for you, 2023 will be all about experimentation and having fun. While you may experience an obstacle or two, embrace that you are part of a greater collective of people who can make a difference and you'll breeze through it like the true air sign you are.

Quick skin tip for Aquarius: Stress pimple? Just keep calm and slap on a spot patch

Gemini Zodiac Symbol Curology


May 21-June 20

“It’s okay to be a little messy.” That’s gonna be your 2023 mantra, Gemini. And it’s true! Let a little chaos shake things up. You’re down-to-earth, so it may not always feel comfortable. More variety will force you to grow. Growing’s never easy, but it’s always worth it. 

Quick skin tip for Gemini: It’s no newsflash, but it’s a message we can’t stress enough: When it comes to skincare, you can’t believe everything you hear, including any one of these 25 skincare myths.

Libra Zodiac Symbol Curology


September 22-October 23

Libra, you’re known for having that “it” factor. In 2023, you’ll want to raise the bar even higher. Career, health, and love will demand lots of time and attention. Our advice? Hold the world to the same high standard you hold to yourself. You’re in demand—treat yourself preciously.

Quick skin tip for Libra: Be picky with your products—check your ingredients before using new makeup and skincare. 

Does your horoscope actually impact your skin?

According to astrology, the time and position of the stars determines your personality. A snapshot of the constellations relative to your birth can feel like a window into your soul. There’s no one just like you—and some believe that the stars prove it. 

So it’s a bummer that scientific testing has rigorously debunked astrology (though the jury’s out on the Magic 8-ball). At the end of the day, we may like reading horoscopes because of a confirmation bias. In other words, astrology tells us what we already believe to be true.

It’s healthy to be skeptical, especially when it comes to your skin. Your skin is constantly growing and changing with you. Caring for your skin is caring for yourself!

Curology Skincare Products Custom Formula Cleanser Moisturizer

Create a skincare routine as unique as you are

At Curology, we believe skincare should be simple and intuitive. Curology was founded by dermatologists to make acne treatment more accessible. We back up our claims with research and only use proven ingredients. And we’ve been changing the skincare game since 2014. Today, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people on their skincare journey. We treat common skin concerns like dark spots, signs of aging, and all kinds of breakouts. 

Get your personalized skincare routine with Curology

Get your personalized skincare routine with Curology

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curology bottle

Sign up and get matched with one of our in-house dermatology providers. They’ll take a look at your skin and, if Curology is right for you, prescribe your Custom Formula. 

Your Custom Formula has a mix of active ingredients chosen for your unique skin concerns. We’re talking about prescription-grade showstoppers like tretinoin, clindamycin, and metronidazole. You can also try any of our recommended skincare products. 

Ready to get started? Let’s go! Sign up for Curology now

• • •
Our medical review process:We’re here to tell you what we know. That’s why our information is evidence-based and fact-checked by medical experts. Still, everyone’s skin is unique—the best way to get advice is to talk to your healthcare provider.
Our policy on product links:Empowering you with knowledge is our top priority. Our reviews of other brands’ products in this post are not paid endorsements—but they do meet our medically fact-checked standards for ingredients (at the time of publication).
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