Your skin concerns, explained, from fungal and hormonal acne to dark spots and rosacea.
We’re here to tell you what we know, but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider about your specific health concerns.
Your favorite treat might be contributing to acne.
Plus, how you can work this natural anti-inflammatory ingredient into your daily routine.
Let’s get to the bottom of what causes those little bumps—and what you can do about them.
Curology’s dermatology providers share their advice for taking care of acne-prone skin
Help keep your skin clear through the end of the year with these tips.
Kiss acne around your lips goodbye with these expert-backed treatment and prevention tips.
Boxcar, ice pick, and rolling scars — can they be healed?
The causes of acne on your jawline, neck, and chin
What really happens when a pimple gets popped.
What to do when just “dry” or “oily” doesn’t fit the bill.
Tips for oily skin from a Curology medical provider.
How “worry lines” got their name